
“Effort-to-return is one reason I love salad-making,” writes Good Food columnist and ABC radio and television personality Alice Zaslavsky in the introduction to her latest cookbook, Salad for Days . “It’s really more about assembly than too much cooking, and the magic comes in the sum of the parts.” Here are three salad recipes from the cookbook, some ideal for lunch al desko and others for making a splash when you’re asked to bring a plate.

Shaved zucchini and edamame salad with pickled ginger This is a dump 𝄒n𝄒 dress salad, so there’s no need to emulsify the dressing ahead of time. The raw zucchini cures in the sharp, warming dressing, but it’s still a surprisingly robust salad that will last a few days in the fridge – though it’s at its optimal point texturally at around the one- to two-hour mark, while the zucchini still has some bite. Pickled ginger can be a little bitter, so taste for balance and add a little extra sugar if needed.

You could add soba noodles here to make it a more substantial meal-in-a-bowl. Mukimame are the podded version of edamame, and you should be able to find them in the freezer aisle. If you can’t, buy whole edamame and pod them after blanching.

INGREDIENTS Pickled ginger dressing Final bits and bobs METHOD Serves 4-6 Cauli tabbouleh with lemony tahini and pomegranate If grainy salads have been off the table at your place, rejoice! This is an easy recipe to make gluten-free by subbing in more cauli – some pulsed to �.

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