
DEAR BONNIE: Lost and alone. I started to catch on that I was receiving signs and I am wondering if you could shed some light on what’s going on. I am spiritual but I have never had so many coincidences.

I know our loved ones can send signs as well, but these signs seem different. At times I feel as though I am getting a big hug from Heaven, and it brings a lot of peace to me. At other times, I see numbers and flashes of light.

Who could this be?? – Tommy DEAR TOMMY: It seems that you are being guided by the Angelic Realm. Angels, as God’s messengers, often reach out to us during our most challenging times, and it appears they are doing just that for you. Some of the ways they do that is: Numbers – Usually, Angel numbers are 111 or 222, 333, etc.

This is only one of the ways Angels talk to us. There are many meanings of Angel numbers, especially if they are in sequence. If you start to notice upon waking up, the clock says 111, and then you go to the grocery store, and your receipt comes to 111.

00. Then, start to look and notice these signs. The Angels might be asking you to watch your thoughts as thoughts are energy, and what we let come into our minds often enough is what we are going to manifest more of.

So, if you catch yourself thinking some negative thoughts like I am not good enough, I’m too heavy, or I don’t fit in, then these thoughts now have a place in your mind. Learn to kick those thoughts to the side by acknowledging them and then giving a positive spin on them. The Angels ask you to turn these negative thoughts into positive thoughts with the knowledge that you are loved unconditionally and the Angelic Realm wants nothing but the best for you.

Lights: If you are seeing lights, sparkling lights either with your eyes open or closed, these could be your Angels acknowledging that they are surrounding you with love. They might be little sparkles or even streaks of light. Some people see different colored lights and can see the image of an Angel.

Different Angels are known to show up with different colors surrounding them. Archangel Michael has a deep blue or almost purple color surrounding him, while Archangel Raphael, who is the healer, has green associated with him. If you are seeing lights and you know it’s not an eye condition, it’s your Angels letting you know they are surrounding you with love and guidance and often healing your heart, mind, and soul.

Feelings: I remember walking in the mall one day and feeling this bliss surround my entire being. I have never felt so loved. I remember saying to myself wow, I wish I felt like this every moment of the day and night.

It was like I was getting a big hug from heaven. Angels can come close and actually put their wings around you as if they are giving you a big hug. I am a reiki practitioner and when I am giving a session, I will sometimes see an Angel lay their wings over the entire length of my client.

I soon realized my clients were usually aware of this feeling and knew the Angels were near. Sometimes, we just need that feeling that comes from a Hug, a feeling of pure bliss. Finding feathers: Have you been finding feathers in places that are out of the ordinary? I love finding feathers, and I know a lot of other people do, as they certainly associate feathers with Angels.

One day, I was in an antique shop and fell in love with this white bureau as someone had painted a gorgeous picture of an Angel going down each of the drawers. I tried out each drawer to see if they worked easily and then said to the storekeeper, I was going to buy it, but I needed my husband to come with his truck and his muscles to pick it up for me. My husband and I went back together that same day and brought the bureau home, and as I placed the bureau in the spot I had made, I opened the first draw, and there was a beautiful white feather.

We could not believe our eyes, and I could not wait to tell the store owner what I had found. We had looked through the draws together, and there had been no feathers. What a great sign that my Angels were with me and wanted to leave me a sign.

My friend who owns the store tells the story of the Angel feather to clients coming into the shop. There are so many ways the Angelic Realm is trying to support you. Look for the signs as they are everywhere, and your Angels know you the best and know what signs you might notice so you can acknowledge your Angels are always by your side.

Bonnie Page is a psychic medium and reiki master. She is available for a session on Zoom or Facetime. Please call the office to book at 978-413-5704.

If you would like to ask Bonnie a question for her column, go to her website under Ask the Psychic. www.bonniepagemedium.


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