
GP Jennifer Grant answers your medical queries Rosacea is also known as the ‘Celtic curse.’ Photo: Getty Question: All my life I had great skin and never gave it a second thought. However, I got rosacea when I was pregnant with my daughter and three years on I am still suffering with it.

I look awful and I feel worse. I’ve been unhappy with my body ever since but I can hide that with clothes — but even makeup doesn’t cover my bumpy red face. How can I get rid of it once and for all? Dr Grant replies: Rosacea is common relapsing inflammatory skin disorder especially among people with Celtic ancestry, often referred to as one of the many ‘curse of the Celts.

’ It affects mainly the centre of the face, especially the cheeks and around the nose.​ Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.

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