
Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships Boredom and apathy within a relationship need to be addressed with compassion. Picture: Getty Question: I have been bored in my marriage for a long time. My husband and I get on OK but to be honest, we haven’t put much effort into our relationship since the kids were born.

All three had terrible colic and to be honest, it almost broke us. We never really got back on track after that as there was so much resentment and competitive tiredness involved. I have recently gone back to work full-time and have started to carve out a bit more time for myself, and I was shocked to find that one of my colleagues fancied me.

I deluded myself into thinking it could turn into something and we had sex after a work night out, in an alley. I went home and went to bed feeling so tawdry. What’s even worse, the colleague has been avoiding me since and I am so mortified.

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