
Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships When you feel isolated in your family, difficult choices need to be made. Picture: Getty Question: I’m in my early 20s and I recently decided to stop speaking to my mum’s side of the family. I have no contact with my father’s side.

I have a lot of childhood trauma which I feel I may be harbouring against my mum and her siblings, but I am finding it so hard to forgive them and don’t know if I ever can. I haven’t seen my family in almost a year and it has been a weight off my back, but is this sustainable for the rest of my life? Am I being stupid and childish? There are a lot of particulars I am holding onto, like every time I see my mum all I can think is how badly she beat me as a child and when I told her I was sexually assaulted by a family member she said, “you can’t tell anyone because I’ll be done for neglect”. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.

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