Alongside the Congress leaders, its media allies also jumped on the bandwagon and shared the said video clip without giving the complete context of the Minister’s remarks. In the latest episode of “As the Congress Spins,” the party has concocted a new warp and weft of lies claiming that Union Home Minister Amit Shah purportedly ‘insulted’ Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar in his speech in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday (17 th December).
While the Congress party has a record of peddling falsehoods about its opponents, its latest foray into the murky waters of fake news is less about facts or Ambedkar’s respect but more about Congress’s desperate attempt to score cheap political points against the BJP, highlighting their penchant for creating fiction when reality doesn’t serve their political agenda. However, this sinister attempt by Congress leader Supriya Shrinate and others to portray Amit Shah and the BJP as ‘anti-Ambedkar’, ‘anti-Constitution’ or ‘anti-Dalit’ falls flat when the full context of what Amit Shah said is presented. Taking to X on Tuesday, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate shared a 12-second clip from Minister Shah’s address in the Rajya Sabha at the conclusion of a two-day discussion in Rajya Sabha on 75 years of the Constitution.
Shrinate alleged that Shah ‘insulted’ Dr Ambedkar and said, “Now it has become fashionable to chant the name of Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. If you had taken God’s name this much, you would have attained he.