
Speculations about Texas Roadhouse are sizzling across social media platforms. Videos posted on TikTok call into question the size of the steakhouse chain's bread, claiming it has recently shrunk the size of its beloved rolls. In a recent video from TikTok user @tesalana7777 — a mother-daughter joint account — Tesa, the mother, compares the size of one roll to half of her finger.

The video has amassed over 39,800 views and 55 comments at the time of publication. "Last time I was there they were even smaller than that," one user commented on the video. "I'm not even kidding I could hold it in my hand and close my hand fully & not see it.

" Other viewers added that they also noted a similar shift in their rolls. Some commenters are attributing the potential shrink to , speculating that an uptick in business has led the chain to downsize its flagship product. Texas Roadhouse hasn't commented on the bread size allegations, but based on other information from social media, we're pretty confident that the chain isn't actually systematically shrinking its rolls.

What's really going on? Texas Roadhouse has a history of prioritizing customer satisfaction, offering its for free, , and (at least in the past) permitting them to chuck peanut shells onto the floor. This makes the argument that the steakhouse intentionally shrank its rolls incongruent with the rest of its brand identity. Many TikTok users commented in defense of Texas Roadhouse, offering other reasons that could explain .

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