While many have predicted the reign of OTT and its rise, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap fails to accept the same as he insists that the platform is expected to doom in the next few years. The filmmaker, who recently slammed Hindi cinema and its producers, was seen sharing his take on the rising streaming platforms as he continued to slam them for being subscriber-focused and for lacking creativity. Anurag Kashyap blames their TV background as he asserts they don’t understand cinema While his interaction with The Hollywood Reporter has garnered attention owing to the filmmaker sharing many of his thoughts uninhibitedly, Anurag Kashyap also discussed about the rise of OTT platforms, and how they fail to risks as they are fearful of losing their subscriber base.
“Who are the people running the OTTs? They’re all from TV. They have no cinema experience. They don’t understand cinema.
What is their only motive? Subscribers. And to increase subscriber base, they have to dumb it down. The top streamers are multinationals.
They’re not Indian-origin companies. They’re answerable, so they’re scared to take risks. In every way, it’s a leash for creativity," he was quoted saying in the media report.
Anurag Kashyap insists that OTT has ‘disrupted’ the system The filmmaker believes that the streaming platforms lack creativity and doesn’t experiment enough because they are solely focused on their audiences. “These people have jobs with very high salaries and a lifestyle, whi.