
A mixture of antioxidants appears to slow the progression of an eye disorder called dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), even once it’s reached the advanced stage. “Especially if you are also taking other medications or supplements containing the same ingredients or if you have kidney or liver conditions,” he said. “For example, high-dose vitamin C may increase the risk of kidney stones, particularly in patients with pre-existing kidney problems,” Kim noted.

“Additionally, some blood pressure medications, including ACE inhibitors and thiazides, may decrease zinc absorption, potentially diminishing the effectiveness of the AREDS 2 supplement,” Kim said. Although, he said, overall, he considers the AREDS2 formulation to be a safe and potentially effective way to reduce the risk of developing advanced AMD. “It is one of the few, if not the only, dietary supplements with robust scientific evidence supporting its ability to prevent a devastating disease,” he said.

“Previously, we understood that AREDS2 supplements could help reduce the risk of progression to neovascular (wet) AMD.” However, he added, this new finding shows that the benefits also extend to delaying the progression of dry AMD. 2 Main Types of AMD Dry AMD: The most common type, it gradually damages light-sensitive cells in the macula.

Wet AMD : Less common but more severe, it involves abnormal blood vessel growth and fluid leakage..

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