
National Grid is planning to install a new line of pylons through the Waveney Valley on the Suffolk/Norfolk border, prompting an outcry from local politicians. In a letter to local councils and political leaders, National Grid's project director Simon Pepper said: "While the route is not finalised, we have decided to take forward an overhead line in this area and will be holding further discussions with stakeholders on these plans. "We haven’t taken this decision lightly and in doing so we carefully considered a range of factors, including potential environmental impacts, planning policy and cost to the consumer.

Mr Pepper said various ways of putting the cables underground had been considered - but all had been rejected on cost or environmental grounds. However Suffolk County Council's deputy cabinet member for national infrastructure projects Richard Rout rejected National Grid's arguments. Richard Rout has voiced his concerns.

(Image: Richard Rout) He said: “This decision not to underground any of the proposed pylons through the Waveney Valley, is nothing short of contemptible. "The study we commissioned saw the area recognised as a valued landscape and National Grid’s plans will wreak untold damage on it. There was a clear alternative to this and they’ve chosen not to take it.

“What I find particularly flagrant - if this what National Grid will press ahead with - is a lack of any suggestion of mitigation or compensation package for the local area." Green Party M.

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