Ananya Panday kickstarted the shaadi season with her cousin sister Deeya Shroff's wedding festivities . The actor recently attended Deeya's engagement ceremony in a stunning ethnic look from her mother Bhavna Pandey's closet. She had worn an aqua-blue suit by the late designer Rohit Bal .
After dazzling the internet with the ensemble, Ananya embraced minimalism in a simple black bodycon outfit and no-makeup look as she partied with the bride and her squad. (Also Read | Priyanka Chopra to Ananya Panday, it's the season of ‘itsy-bitsy’ blouses: 6 looks to inspire your wedding wardrobe ) The most simple bridesmaid Ananya shared a picture from her cousin's bridal party from last night on Instagram. The actor captioned the post, “Worse comes to worst My girls come first #bridEE.
” It shows Ananya posing with Deeya Shroff and all the other bridesmaids. Instead of wearing a blingy outfit, Ananya chose a simple OOTD (outfit of the day) for the affair - a black bodycon dress. If you are a no-fuss bride and want your bachelorette to be a low-key affair, take inspiration from Ananya and her gang.
Decoding Ananya Panday's OOTD The midnight black dress features spaghetti straps, a figure-hugging silhouette accentuating Ananya's svelte frame, and a full-body hem length. Ananya chose minimal accessories to style the ensemble, including dainty ear studs and black slip-on Hermes flat sandals. With her hair tied in a centre-parted, sleek low bun, the actor chose a minimal makeup look fe.