
The entries in Anaheim Beautiful’s annual Halloween home decorating contest are available for viewing every evening starting at dusk through Oct. 31. A checklist of properties is posted on Anaheim Beautiful’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

This year’s winners were announced on Oct. 19 and will be displaying yard signs. Drive around and see your community decorated for our biggest holiday! For more information call Debbie Herman at 714-264-1014.

There are several Halloween activities planned at Anaheim Public Libraries this weekend. The Canyon Hills Branch, 400 S. Scout Trail, is offering a Not-So-Scary Halloween Party from noon to 4 p.

m. on Oct. 26, with ghoulies, princesses and superheroes.

Come dressed up and follow the trick-or-treat trail for delicious treats and meet the fabulous characters from Kids Can Cosplay. The Central Library at Broadway and Harbor Boulevard has “Haunted Anaheim: Local Ghost Stories” planned for 3 to 7:30 p.m.

on Oct. 27. For more Halloween fun at the libraries, visit anaheim.

net/library. Coming on Nov. 3, from 1 to 5 p.

m. at the Anaheim Central Library will be Indie Author Day with workshops, panel discussions, local authors sharing their work and more. And, on Nov.

9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.

m., a Native Art Festival is planned. The family friendly cultural event will be hosted at Founders’ Park, 400 N.

West St. The event will feature food, live performances and free books. Find out more at anaheim.

net/library. Drizzle Art Studios is o.

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