Actress Amy Huberman recently revealed the hilarious and unusual gift she received from a fan of her rugby player husband, Brian O’Driscoll, on the street. The Finding Joy star took to social media to share the humorous present that had been handed to her on the street by a rugby fan, who had been hoping to run into her after clearing out his house and finding a large-oval shaped framed photo of her other half in his glory days. The Dubliner had been running errands in Dublin City Centre when the man stopped her in his car, offering the piece of memorabilia to her.
Huberman was then forced to carry the giant tribute back to her home after admitting that she’d opted to leave the car at home that day and had just popped out to do some jobs while she had the time. In her iconic funny-woman fashion, the mum-of-three took to her Instagram account to share the sizable snap of hubby Brian with her over 470k followers. Adding two photos of the framed shot — one of her trying to hold it, and a close-up of the young Brian — Amy explained under the post: ‘A lovely man stopped me the other day and got out of his car and said he was clearing out a house and he was hoping he might bump into me and would I like this? ‘And I couldn’t say “Gosh no thanks” (jk jk) so I said “Gosh yes thank you” and we said goodbye and I was far enough away from my house so I walked around and did some errands and went to the post office and then walked home just me and my giant framed pho.