Zoe Kravitz ' s directorial debut Blink Twice made some changes in the blink of an eye. The film's official social media accounts issued a trigger warning two days before its Aug. 23 release.

"Trigger warning: We are proud to finally share Blink Twice with audiences in theaters worldwide this week," the film's account shared Aug. 21. " Blink Twice is a psychological thriller about the abuse of power.

While this is a fictionalized movie, it contains mature themes and depictions of violence—including sexual violence. This may be upsetting or triggering for some viewers." The statement also included a link for resources and additional information, noting that the film has been rated R by the MPAA for "strong violent content, sexual assault, drug use and language throughout, and some sexual references.

" "The film explores themes of sexual violence, power dynamics, and the complex experiences of sexual abuse survivors," the note continued. "If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence – it is NOT your fault and you are NOT alone." The page also shared contact information for the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline and the international organization No More.

Blick Twice ’s trigger warning comes amid criticism surrounding the lighthearted marketing of It Ends With Us and its lack of warnings or resources ahead of viewing. It isn’t until after the credits that a text appears on-screen that reads, “If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence,.