( MENAFN - African Press Organization) Download logo In a significant step towards strengthening its public health infrastructure, Zimbabwe established a dedicated laboratory for the analysis of polio samples collected through environmental surveillance (ES). Previously, these samples were sent to South Africa for testing, resulting in a turnaround time of approximately 21 days. With financial and technical support from the World Health Organization (WHO), the newly renovated laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology testing equipment and staffed by highly trained personnel.
WHO further provided training to 10 laboratory scientists to run the new laboratory and locally carry out environmental samples testing. This local capability will significantly reduce the time required to detect and respond to potential outbreaks of polio. Three experts from the African Polio Laboratory network, proficient in WHO ES testing methods for poliovirus, were identified by WHO Regional Officer for Africa (AFRO) to provide the training needs to th University of Zimbabwe (UZ) where the laboratory is situated.
The team includes Shelina Moonsamy as the Team Lead (Head of Polio Laboratory, NICD, Johannesburg, South Africa), James Peter Eliku (ES Technical Expert, Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe, Uganda) and Thabo Mashupye (ES Technical Expert, NICD). "The establishment of this laboratory is a major milestone in our efforts to safeguard the health of Zimbabweans," said Mr Parad.