For the last two decades, one Zack Snyder film after another, from “300” to “Army of the Dead,” reveled in the use of visual effects to expand the limits of the worlds the filmmaker aimed to create. Unfortunately, it seems his most recent outings , “ Rebel Moon : Part One — Director’s Cut” and “Rebel Moon: Part Two — Director’s Cut,” may have finally exhausted his interest in the technology . Speaking in a wide-ranging interview with The Hollywood Reporter in regards to these films and other upcoming projects, Snyder shared his desire to scale-back his style.

“I’m a little tapped out on the visual effects world right now,” he said. “I love it, don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan, but I would love to do something a little bit more organic.

” Earlier in the interview, he discussed the announcement of a “300” prequel series in the works at Warner Bros. Snyder had famously parted ways with the studio following issues surrounding “Justice League,” but it would appear the studio is trying to get back in his good graces. “I didn’t think about it in those terms,” Snyder said when asked of any intention in the collaboration.

“We were excited, and they seemed excited to work on what we would all consider classic IP at this point. ( Laughs .) It’s a fun streaming concept that I think everybody is into, but I don’t think it’s some kind of .

.. I like those guys over there.

It’s all cool.” The same can’t be said for everyone, .