A YouTuber went viral for saying men who play video games don’t rank on her list of attractive things a guy could do. Viewers then clapped back, saying as video game players, they’d never consider dating her anyway. YouTuber Liz Wheeler took her viral opinion to X, where she spoke out about video games being the most “unattractive” hobby that a man could ever do.

Despite possibly running into contrasting views, Liz posted an unofficial list of “the least attractive hobbies for men according to women.” Among the hobbies were magic tricks, collecting figurines, gambling, bird watching, online trolling, taxidermy, comic book collecting, and building model trains. However, video games were at the top of the list, ranking #1 on the most unattractive things a man does in their free time.

“This is 100% true. Men playing video games is peak unattractive. Beyond red flag.

Like dealbreaker zone. It’s weird that so many dudes don’t get this,” she tweeted. In a comment under her tweet, Liz also made it clear that an occasional arcade game, Tetris, and Pac-Man weren’t included in the video games that make a guy unattractive.

This is 💯 true. Men playing video games is peak unattractive. Beyond red flag.

Like dealbreaker zone. It’s weird that so many dudes don’t get this. pic.

twitter.com/nJcNiVPr8T After a massive amount of social media heard her controversial thoughts about video games, many people roasted her for being completely wrong. “Women like you assum.