Lily Hevesh, a talented domino artist and YouTuber, and her team recently created a massive freestyle domino art installation titled ‘The Colossal Spiral’ at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. The massive art installation was built over the course of 10 days. The colourful display included over 100,000 pieces arranged to form various landmarks, shapes, and figures.

One section of the project reached a height of 33 feet and 3 inches. In the video below, you can see the entire installation topple perfectly, just as planned. Lily’s project is part of her broader domino art vision, where she aims to reveal detailed portraits as the pieces fall.

In the video, you will see segments toppling only to form images like the Washington DC, skyline, Fibonacci spiral, the Mona Lisa, flower arrangements, and more. Due to the intricate design, it takes over eight minutes for the final domino to fall..