Youtube star Joey Graceffa shared his basal-cell skin cancer diagnosis to his 472,000 followers on TikTok . The 33-year-old social media influencer uploaded a four-minute-long video telling his story and his treatment plan for the red mark on his nose which he has had between 18 months and two years. He began the video: ‘So I have skin cancer, um, that’s fun.

No it’s not fun at all actually, you can see it right there on my nose. It looks really crazy right now because I had to get a biopsy done to determine that it was skin cancer.’ He explained that he showed ‘several dermatologists’ the mark and was told it was a ‘broken blood vessel’.

When the mark scabbed over he decided to have it checked once more and was sent to get a biopsy. ‘I literally passed out in the chair when the biopsy happened,’ Joey added . life update 🥴 ‘Not because it hurt or anything but just because I am so queasy when it comes to anything gore or blood-related.

I have a vivid imagination and I was imagining what it looked like.’ He then explained the treatment options before him. He confirmed that the doctor suggested Moh’s surgery [which is a surgical method for treating skin cancer lesions].

He continued: ‘[It’s] basically just cutting it out of my nose. When she was explaining I was passing out on the phone.’ The surgery could take up to three hours.

Adding: ‘If I passed out just 40 seconds of the biopsy how am I going to last 45 minutes?’ He also revealed he w.