HOUSING was among the hot topics debated during the inaugural Federal Territories Youth Assembly (SBWP) held in Kuala Lumpur. The three-day assembly saw 65 young individuals coming together to discuss policy proposals affecting Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha Mustafa said issues and suggestions brought up by the young “MPs” during the session were relevant and reflective of current concerns of youth in the Federal Territories.

A broad range of issues were raised touching on the economy, technology and smart, green and sustainable cities, she said after the winding-up session. “A hot topic was about housing for youths, which was widely debated among the members,” she added. The session concluded with 15 proposals mooted by the participants.

Of these, 12 proposals were eventually accepted, and will be escalated to the Federal Territories Department (JWP) in the form of a memorandum, for a thorough review. “JWP will review all their suggestions so that we can possibly incorporate them into policies,” she said. When asked if the proposals would be brought up to Parliament, Dr Zaliha said they would need to see whether each of the issues brought up was viable.

“Looking at the points debated, it is good for us to look at them in-depth.” Dr Zaliha, who is also SBWP patron, said based on the participants’ suggestions, they hoped to organise the next youth assembly before the tabling of.