It was interesting to read of the at the upcoming September council elections. or signup to continue reading It was encouraging to note Isaac's cultural background and his willingness to participate as an Australian citizen naturalised on Australia Day 2024 and I would like to congratulate him on this nomination. He would be well aware, no doubt, of the difficulties he will experience in taking this step.

A stand-alone nomination against current/past councillors and their teams of local, well-known identities would appear somewhat daunting but he is prepared to put his hand up and demonstrate a will to be considered by the residents. Isaac displays a commonsense approach to the various issues confronting Albury. As a company director he has identified health services, business opportunities, tourism attractions and a need to place Albury on display.

The possibility of a marathon through Albury-Wodonga attracting local, national and possibly international interest is "out of the box" but certainly not "out of consideration". His willingness for a united January 26 Australia Day including the joining together of the various cultures that now make Albury home is certainly encouraging. Having never met Isaac, I would urge Albury ratepayers to give this man a chance to prove to himself and his community that he is competent and professional to serve his city.

Tuesday, a weekday, being bright and springy, I drove to Albury Railway Station and headed off for a lovely day out. There .