Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin This is the new face of wellness in New York City. Aescape Robot massages are no longer a futuristic concept—they're becoming the latest essential in wellness. Equinox, the global upscale gym, is introducing this cutting-edge technology with the launch of Aescape.

Imagine walking into a spa where your massage is delivered by an AI-powered system explicitly tailored to your needs. This is the experience Equinox is now offering in New York City as Aescape prepares to redefine how we think about recovery and self-care. Over the coming month, ten Equinox locations across the city will introduce this fully automated massage experience.

The idea is straightforward: provide members with a personalized recovery option available whenever they need it, without the hassle of scheduling appointments or relying on a therapist's availability. Aescape is the culmination of years of development, led by Eric Litman, an entrepreneur with a track record of innovation. Backed by a team of experts from companies like Amazon and Uber, Aescape has been meticulously engineered to suit a wide range of body types and preferences.

But how does it actually work? When you step onto Aescape's sleek massage table, the system immediately scans your body, generating over 1.1 million 3D data points. These data points are used to accurately map your body's position on the table, identifying key anatomical points that need attention.

From there, users have .