We can’t see microbes, but they’re everywhere—yes, even in places we’d never expect. You might think your microwave is a clean sanctuary for your meals, but a recent study has thrown that idea out the window. Researchers from Spain, whose findings were published in Frontiers in Microbiology , investigated microwaves from homes, offices, and even laboratories.

Their research uncovered a hidden world of bacteria, with each environment hosting its own unique microbiome. These resilient microbes have adapted to the microwave’s extreme temperature fluctuations, radiation, and dryness, challenging the common belief that microwaves are bacteria-proof. “Our results reveal that domestic microwaves have a more ‘anthropized’ microbiome, similar to kitchen surfaces, while laboratory microwaves harbour bacteria that are more resistant to radiation,” said Daniel Torrent, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence SL in Paterna, Spain.

So, does this germ-friendly environment mean your microwave could be a hidden health risk? Let’s explore the potential dangers and discover how to keep your microwave—and your meals—safe. The study Microbes have adapted to thrive in a range of human-made environments, from marine oil spills to industrial brownfields and even inside the International Space Station. In this study, the team was particularly interested in the presence of bacteria in the hot microwave setting.

Researchers collected mic.