Editor: I am a childless adult, a certified Teaching Assistant, and a substitute teacher. My students and former students are my kids. And I view J.

D. Vance’s suggestion that childless people are un-invested in kids with utter contempt. Ever worked so closely with a mostly preverbal kid that you knew what he was going to do before he did it? Calmed him by singing until you heard “Waltzing Matilda” in your sleep? Calculated how you might protect a medically fragile boy who used a wheelchair, in the event of a school shooting? Gone out on your break to get Bag Balm for a kid whose hands were raw and cracked? Gotten treats for a kid’s pet rabbit to make sure she (the young lady, not the rabbit) had a happy birthday? Told umpteen Greek myths, Arabian Nights stories and more to a room full of fidgety third-graders between classes? Made a point to spend time every other day on your break with an anxious kid? Seen a 15-year-old who can’t have a pet snake break into the biggest grin in the world when you hand her a shed boa constrictor skin? Been the guy who was about beside yourself with joy when you learned one of your kids had been officially adopted, and you were never going to have to worry about his living circumstances or future well-being? If your answer to any of these is “no” then believe me, Mr.

Vance, you have no idea about those of us who are childless and have dedicated our lives to helping children. I suggest you refrain from registering any more ignorant.