March 21 - April 19 ★★ Be sure not to overestimate your strength, or assume a situation is manageable. Monitor what’s before you carefully. April 20 - May 20 ★★★ The path towards your goal opens up, just as you stop fighting for it.

Begin accessing your heart’s power. May 21 - June 20 ★★★★ The Moon begins her day with Jupiter behind her, backing her up. You have access to strength and passion.

Be bold. June 21 - July 22 ★★ The Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in Gemini. The Sun is in Libra.

Ideas are overriding feelings. Keep your eyes open. July 23 - August 22 ★★★★ The Libran Sun and Gemini Moon combine to fuel your social life.

Take their lightness and clarity into your interactions. August 23 - September 22 ★★★ Mercury continues his passage through your sign. He gives you the clarity to see that changes happening are for the better.

September 23 - October 22 ★★★★ The Libran Sun combines with Uranus, planet of rebellion, and Pluto, planet of transformation, to make you a mover and shaker. October 23 - November 21 ★★★ Venus in Scorpio is helping open doors on your path to your calling. Go towards love to avoid large Saturnian obstacles.

November 22 - December 21 ★★★★ With Jupiter and the Moon in Gemini, and the Sun in Libra, you couldn’t be more oxygenated if you tried. Enjoy feeling so alive. December 22 - January 19 ★★★ You are underpinning much of the constructive change that’s going on right now, withou.