March 21-April 20 ★★★★ Mars and the Sun are having a happy day. This will fire you up with playfulness, courage and a desire to express yourself. April 21-May 21 ★★★ The Virgo Moon is helping you to remember the exquisite order of nature.

It is operating within you, as well as in the trees. May 22-June 21 ★★★ Jupiter in Gemini, and the Sun in Leo, are firing you up to expand your social repertoire. Life is theatre.

Play it with style. June 22-July 23 ★★★★ You are slowly entering the social fray. The Moon is in Virgo.

Move carefully. Be sure to hang out with nourishing friends. July 24-Aug 23 ★★★★ The Sun in Leo is receiving a wave of particularly good juju from Jupiter in Gemini.

Think creatively. Act playfully. Aug 24-Sep 23 ★★★ The Moon begins her day in Virgo, settling your nerves, as Uranus in Taurus continues shifting the tectonic plates.

Be sure of heart. Sep 24-Oct 23 ★★ The Moon will arrive in Libra later in the day, bringing a wave of emotion with her. She touches a sensitive spot.

Wear it well. Oct 24-Nov 22 ★★★ The Moon begins her day in Virgo, helping you to feel grounded and centred. Share your understanding when it’s needed.

Nov 23-Dec 21 ★★ Various restrictions are starting to frustrate you. It will require forbearance to access patience and understanding. Dec 22-Jan 20 ★★★ The Leo Sun is leaning on you to shine, but you aren’t quite ready.

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