Overview: This week offers a blend of exciting progress and revisiting the past. With Mercury Retrograde in Leo ending on Wednesday, we have the opportunity to move forward confidently and embrace new versions of ourselves. Venus enters relational Libra on Thursday and stays there until September 23, inviting us to balance our desires harmoniously with those of others.

Then, on Sunday, Pluto reenters Capricorn and stays there until November 19, providing further opportunities to reflect on past issues related to work, goals, and responsibilities. Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope: Aries Reintroduce yourself, Aries! Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on Wednesday, helping you define the new version of yourself to those who need to know. Venus enters Libra on Thursday, marking the most romantic time of the year for you.

Pluto reenters Capricorn on Sunday, motivating you to change your approach to career goals and the discipline it takes to achieve them. Taurus You can hear your heart again, Taurus. On Wednesday, Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends, reconnecting you with your emotional intelligence.

Venus enters Libra on Thursday, attracting people and situations that improve the quality of your well-being. Pluto reenters Capricorn on Sunday, inspiring you to consider new opportunities for expansion through travel and/or education. Gemini Clear the air, Gemini.

Mercury Retrograde ends in Leo on Wednesday, gradually clearing up miscommunications from your life. Venus enters Libra on Thu.