Overview: Power to your people! Monday's Full Moon in Aquarius urges us to focus on the collective, inspiring us to do our part in creating a more connected and equitable world. As Virgo season begins on Thursday, we enter a period of mindfulness, perfect for the back-to-school season. This is a time for the zodiac to return to routines and habits that support our goals and wellbeing.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope: Aries Community is key, Aries! A Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled friendship and community zone on Monday reconnects you to the people who support you the most and asks you to support them just as enthusiastically. Virgo season begins on Thursday and helps you find your footing by giving you opportunities for organization, focus, and forming habits that help your goals. Taurus Rise and shine, Taurus! A Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled career zone on Monday puts the spotlight on your success, especially when you share your goals with the community that wants to help you succeed.

On Thursday, Virgo season begins and encourages you to take more risks confidently, knowing that no act of courage goes unrewarded by the universe. Take a trust fall! Gemini Bon voyage, Gemini! Monday’s Full Moon in your Aquarius-ruled exploration and education zone is taking you on an adventure to new places. You're learning wisdom that will expand your horizons in amazing ways.

Virgo season begins on Thursday and inspires you to identify your emotions more articulately so others ca.