Look around at the books collecting in corners and filling your bookcase. Have you truly learned all that you need to know? I hope you read old and new books for continued inspiration and knowledge. Have you ever read a book once and then revisited it later on to bring your lessons full circle? During the , you can learn firsthand how books, podcasts, and other forms of media should be treated as cherished friends you can turn to for guidance and insight.

Humans need to hear or read information multiple times before they can break hexes and generational curses. You might think you understand what you've experienced, but revisiting old interests can help you fill in blanks that your brain has not processed. What better time to let go and let new thoughts in than during the Full Moon in Aquarius? Mark your cal now: August's Full Moon is sometimes called , named after the sturgeon fish that once were abundant in the Midwest and Northeast United States during this time of year.

Other traditional names for August's Full Moon include the Flying Up Moon (Cree), Corn Moon (Algonquin and Ojibwe), Harvest Moon (Dakota), Ricing Moon (Anishinaabe), Black Cherries Moon (Assiniboine), and Mountain Shadows Moon (Tlingit). This particular Full Moon is also a , meaning it appears bigger and brighter than most Full Moons from our POV here on Earth. Let's dive into the astrology of this Full Moon in Aquarius.

, and the planet is named after the Roman god, . Saturn is known as the father of time.