March 21-April 20 ★★★ It’s full steam ahead with the knowledge that you are well-supported and more grounded than usual. Think outside the box. April 21-May 21 ★★★ Where things are falling apart is where you can most easily create anew.

Surprise yourself with natty fresh solutions. May 22-June 21 ★★★ The Aquarian Moon will help you find ways out of the various knots you might have mistakenly tied yourself into. June 22-July 23 ★★★ The Aquarian Moon is providing a round of surprises on the friendship front.

Drop your judgments and be surprised. July 24-Aug 23 ★★ Avoid sudden moves. Mercury is retrograde, which means there is room for misunderstanding.

Communicate precisely. Aug 24-Sep 23 ★★★ Venus has moved into Virgo, bringing a certain sweetness. Mercury is retrograde.

Signal your affections with care. Sep 24-Oct 23 ★★★ Venus has moved into Virgo, bringing you gently to ground. There is less excitement in the air, but more sanity.

Oct 24-Nov 22 ★★ The Aquarian Moon will make those around you more strident with their ideas. Try not to get caught locking horns. Nov 23-Dec 21 ★★★ Jupiter is drawing you out into the world, when all you want to do is nestle on the couch.

Don’t hook into every conversation. Dec 22-Jan 20 ★★★ Someone is testing your defences with their charm and affections. Venus is opposite Saturn.

Know your own heart well. Jan 21-Feb 19 ★★★★ The Moon is firing you up. She is sending waves of emot.