Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post 's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond. Note: March 21 – April 19 (⏰) You handle office gossip and conflicts better.

You work smart and keep yourself abreast of the latest tools and tech that can benefit your career. You may be offered a high-paying job that comes with higher pressure. Entrepreneurs successfully add value to their products or services.

(₿) Extra income from a part-time job or freelance task is on the cards. Investors rake in handsome returns. A longtime conflict over asset ownership will soon be resolved.

You may receive help from someone who you least expect. (♥) Your partner tries harder to please you as you're being quite fussy all of a sudden. If you feel under appreciated, your partner will shower you with more TLC.

Couples may enjoy a new activity this weekend that brings them childish joy. (⚤) You're more popular than you think. You meet several admirers IRL and online.

If you've been chatting with someone, they clearly show that they want to be exclusive. April 20 – May 20 (⏰) A higher-up may offer you an opportunity to show off your skills. You noticeably become more creative and proactive.

Everyone in the office takes notice, including the haters. Make their heads explode by delivering your best performance. (₿) An opportunity for extra income may arrive unexpectedly.

Investors collect modest returns. Y.