Your closest friends and other people you should never discuss your sex life with 22nd August 2024 LEADING a rich and sordid sex life and want to share the raunchy details with someone? Here’s who to avoid opening up to. Your closest friends As men have known for centuries, the closest friendships are maintained by exchanging as little information as possible. Sharing deeply personal details like your surname or your favourite colour can jeopardise your relationship.

Regaling them with your bedroom antics will only provide your friends with ammunition for future banter. You’re safer telling them your bank account details. Anyone in your family You don’t want to hear about how your parents solemnly conducted missionary reproduction once, or twice if you have a sibling, and they don’t want to know that you’re a member of the mile-high club.

Telling siblings, cousins and uncles about your erotic misadventures will likely induce vomiting, however your sex-starved grandad might be too keen to hear about it, so remain tight-lipped for your own sake. Your colleagues Sure, your work bestie might feel like a safe person to open up to, but don’t fall for their bullshit. Once they’ve learnt that you went to a key party they’ll be sure to mention it to your boss when the opportunity for a promotion comes around.

That would be unprofessional, but so is engaging in anything but robot-like communication with your co-workers. ‘Iain’s off with diarrhoea,’ is as raunchy a.