When creamy butter melts onto al dente strands of pasta , it's pure heaven for the taste buds. These two simple ingredients make a comforting and indulgent dish that basically everyone loves. The only thing missing is a contrasting pop of flavor to add excitement to this classic pairing.

Fortunately, there are many ways to elevate buttered noodles . For those who like a particularly potent flavor kick, look no further than anchovies. This one addition is enough to transform your buttered pasta into a remarkably flavorful main course.

Contrary to popular belief, anchovies don't taste all that fishy. What they offer instead is a distinctive saltiness backed by a slightly funky and umami-rich note. This is very different from the simple richness of butter.

Don't let this deter you from using them, however, as the stark difference between these ingredients is what makes the dish so outstanding. No longer is it just a one-dimensional blend of buttery and mildly savory notes. The fish gives it a briny, meaty edge, making each bite much more captivating.

How to add anchovies to your buttered pasta When it comes to anchovies, you've got plenty of options to choose from. They're often packed in either oil or salt, and sometimes mashed into a paste. The salt-packed variety, while delectable, requires a multi-step preparation of rinsing off the salt and removing the bones.

Anchovy paste is a serious flavor enhancer , but you may not always be able to find it. That leaves us with oil-pac.