August is going to be, well, a lot — but did we really expect anything else from dramatic Leo season? We start off the month in full-swing, in the hottest time of the year, with Venus entering logical Virgo and a new moon in Leo on August 4, which will allow us to face the upcoming month with courageous, bold intentionality. Which is something we very well may need, since Mercury goes retrograde the very next day (dun dun duuuun). Now, Mercury RX has gotten a bad rep through social media, but as with anything, approaching something with fear and helplessness will never make a situation better.

When our communication planet Mercury starts its backward spin, the things we often take for granted don’t happen as naturally. Though uncomfortable at times, the infamous Mercury retrograde forces us to slow down, learn and find gratitude. It’s also a great time to look back and review old decisions.

Mercury has even more excitement for us in store this month: A magical Mercury Cazimi — a very close conjunction with the sun — will take place on August 18. As Mercury meets the sun, its natural powers are enhanced, connecting us to the information that surrounds us. Carry around a journal to make the most of the solar conjunction, and jot down any divine insights you might come across.

Finally, we round off the month with the start of Virgo season on August 22, shortly followed by Mercury returning to normalcy and going direct on the 28th. As we go from chaotic Leo magic to org.