For Piper Kathryn Bond, choosing to go makeup-free has been life-changing. The 23-year-old Australian says she grew up feeling “quite insecure” because her belief system around appearance compelled her to constantly upkeep and manage her looks—but never for the right reasons. The young woman shared with The Epoch Times how she used to do her full makeup and hair every day, but felt called to fast from what she now sees as an addiction.

“I needed to fast from it,” she said. “I would have never known the freedom on the other side unless I did so. It showed me how dependent I was on it.

” Today, Piper says she can’t even imagine going back to the way she once was. “It feels so freeing,” she said. “I definitely wasn’t always like this—I really thought that one of the most important things in life was my appearance.

I felt I wasn’t, maybe, looking professional enough—like I couldn’t walk into a corporate type of office without a full face of makeup on. “It was always, I guess, for the opinions of other people. .

.. As a young woman, there is a lot of societal pressure—and it’s almost a malaise, isn’t it? That we have this extreme beauty standard or vanity kind of foisted upon us.

“It’s so easy for us to look at beautiful women that everyone just thinks of as gorgeous and then to look at ourselves and think we’re less compared to them. But that’s just not how God sees it; God doesn’t see it as though we are less beautiful than the nex.