Photos by Scott Roos. Scott Roos Special to the Herald The third edition of the Sunset Country Music Festival took place on Friday, Aug. 9 at artist Josh Stumpf’s family farm near MacDowell.

The lineup included emerging artists Morgan Desjardins, Brett Down, Aiden Edwards & East Side of Second, Mercy Glover, and headliner Josh Stumpf, creating a youthful atmosphere that resonated with both performers and the audience. The festival proceeds were earmarked to purchase musical instruments and instructional booklets for Ranch Ehrlo, collectively making it an enjoyable evening for a great cause. Brett Down The first performer was Desjardins, a 17-year-old country singer from Prince Albert, who had only started singing publicly just over a year ago, as mentioned by emcees Stumpf and Glover.

She impressed the audience with her smooth voice and performed various country songs, gaining valuable experience for her budding singing career. Following her was Brett Down from Regina, who brought a folk-oriented vibe to the stage. Down, accompanied by guitarist Andy Schmack and later by backing band “The Boys Downtown,” showcased his talent on the acoustic guitar and piano, leaving a lasting impression to be sure.

Next up were Aiden Edwards and the East Side of Second, a new band (they started formally playing together this past March) with a youthful energy. Their performance included a mix of classic country and rock songs, demonstrating their enthusiasm and potential for growth. Glo.