Jackson has debuted its first for , best known for his role as guitarist in Ukrainian metal band JinJer. JinJer have developed a reputation for a riff-laden, forward-thinking brand of progressive metal that takes its cues from the likes of Gojira, Lamb of God and Opeth. Ibramkhalilov is the sole guitarist of the band and a rhythmic juggernaut who favors a .

As such, his signature model – the Pro Series signature Roman Ibramkhalilov MDK HT6 Baritone, to give it the full title – has been built to withstand an onstage hammering. The spec appears simple but is a more demanding production than you might first realise – with a new body shape, baritone scale length and a custom set of . The model has apparently been some four years in the making, reveals Ibramkhalilov in Jackson’s video.

“You will never find this shape ever [anywhere else] – it’s unique,” says the guitarist. “Through the years we’re now at the point where it’s the perfect axe to play shows, for the studio, whatever..

.” The body is made of Ibramkhalilov’s preferred ash tonewood and, while it started life as a Dinky outline, it has been sculpted and honed in a way that calls to mind the heavy bevelling of , albeit in a Jackson format. “The main thing for me is the body,” says Ibramkhalilov.

“I’m an ash guy, 100%. It’s a perfect sound, it matches my playing perfectly. Also the bolt-on neck helps you sound articulated, with more attack.

For me, for metal playing – not only for metal.