“ Daily Show ” correspondent Desi Lydic isn’t buying Donald Trump ’s claim that he “ doesn’t know anything about” Project 2025 , the far-right policy documents expected to guide his administration should he win the election. “The last time Trump said ‘I don’t know anything about that,’ he was talking about Stormy Daniels,” Lydic said on Wednesday. “So did Trump fuck Project 2025?” Twenty-six of the 39 speakers in leaked Project 2025 training videos obtained by ProPublica over the weekend have worked for Trump, in many cases in senior roles in his administration.

In one video, it’s explained that no one convicted of a crime would be able to serve in the federal government under the Project 2025 plan, specifically calling out fraud and tax evasion as showing “lack of moral character.” Debt and bankruptcy could also be deal-breakers, according to the footage. “You might wanna run this up the chain to the boss, because it’s starting to feel personal,” Lydic said.

“No tax evasion , no bankruptcies , no weird hairstyles, no one who had a cameo in ‘Home Alone 2,’ and definitely, definitely nobody who constantly brings up Hannibal Lecter like it’s a real person.” Lydic said the videos aren’t helping Republicans beat the “ weird ” allegations. In one clip, Katie Sullivan ― a former Justice Department official under Trump ― introduces herself as “just a normal American woman.

” “Are you sure?” Lydic asked. “Now that y.