Article content Re: Dear Liberals: In the name of God, go! Editorial, Oct. 18 I have heard it said that, in fashion, there is “nothing new” under the sun. A study of history proves that also applies to politics.

I loved the editorial message given to the federal Liberal caucus in the Ottawa Sun. The grievances directed to the government of 1653 by Oliver Cromwell in the English Parliament bare an astounding resemblance to those being directed at the Liberal government of 2024. I think that Pierre Poilievre should, as a lark, read this speech in our House of Commons.

What a hoot! BETTY-ANNE TREMBLAY OTTAWA Do Canadians ever feel like what goes on in Canadian politics is like a daycare centre? When it comes to the foreign interference inquiry, you have Pierre Poilievre, who doesn’t want to be security-cleared so he can tell the rest of the schoolyard about issues that make him feel like the big man on campus (or big man of the daycare). Then you have Justin Trudeau saying he has names, but he’s not going to tell anyone because he wants to control the daycare. As this playground king of the hill plays out, one thing is forgotten: the taxpayer who funds these antics.

The names of the MPs implicated or affected by foreign interference should be revealed. It has nothing to do with security, it has to do with betrayal of the Canadian public. Delicate issues can be blacked out, but the names are the key.

Time for politicians of all the parties to leave the daycare and be resp.