Everything you need to know about the new bullet hell game One Btn Bosses is right there in the title. You press one button and you take on a series of bosses. It’s a simple premise that developer Midnight Munchies delivers on and then some.

With just one button, you might think that the game would get boring quickly or lack depth—but it’s just the opposite. One Btn Bosses is an enthralling game that constantly adds new challenges to master. I already explained the premise and it truly doesn’t go much further than that.

Each level gives you control of a moving object stuck on a track. The one button you use changes your direction of movement along the track (which can be shaped like a circle, square, a straight line, and more) so as to get out of the way of oncoming attacks from enemies. You also have the ability to attack, but with your singular input already taken by directional control, One Btn Bosses ties attacks to movement speed.

The faster you move, the more projectiles you fire back at your opponent; switching directions lowers your speed, after which point it must be built up again. This creates a balancing act in the deceptively simple game. You have to avoid hazards but you also want to make quick work of enemies, which means you have to strategically choose exactly when to shift direction in order to maintain your highest speed as long as possible.

Staying true to its name, One Btn Bosses never gives you more than a single input, but each level still chang.