Do you know that your wants are different from your needs? You may say it’s a no-brainer, but you would be amazed by how many people still struggle to apply this fact correctly in their decision-making. Here is the thing: what you want can be all about satisfying your immediate cravings, such as pleasure, comfort, happiness, temporary fixes, and so on. For example, in relationship choices, a lady may say she wants a tall, dark, handsome man who is from her tribe, God-fearing, and so on.

However, if the same lady is asked about the kind of man she needs, she will likely take her time to reflect on specific qualities, such as stability, self-awareness, self-control, faithfulness, integrity, hard work, and diligence. Now, dear lady, these are value systems, and you cannot expect to ask for what you don’t have. Often, some ladies have high expectations but don’t have a quarter of the values they desire in their choice partners.

Because you don’t possess these values, you can’t attract or keep such men. In no time, these high-value men may also discover that you do not meet their standards. So if you know you have a very high standard, then you need to build yourself to represent the values you desire in a partner so that when you meet someone with these values, they also see you as a woman of respect and value.

According to the hierarchy of needs, different things appeal to people at different stages of their lives. Some people are after just settling their basic needs .