Over the weekend, the state minister for Tourism Martin Mugarra officially launched ziplining along River Nile in Njeru, Buikwe district. Ziplining is becoming a popular activity for adrenaline junkies in Uganda, and doing it along the world’s longest river is an experience worth having. The zip line on River Nile is located at LivingWaters Resort and Luxury tented camp in Bukaya village, Njeru municipality on the western bank of the Nile near its source.

The place boasts of a vast green serene environment, making it ideal for relaxation and enjoying nature while taking in the cool breeze from the Nile. Jonathan Okia, the manager of ZipTheNile, said they began setting up the zip line in December last year after realizing that among all the fun activities being done on the Nile, ziplining was missing. Not only is this the only zip line on River Nile but also the longest zip line in Uganda.

There are two zip lines with the first one (which takes you) being 300 metres and the second one (which brings you back) being 320 metres, both passing along the River Nile. There is also a dual zip line running parallel to the existing one, which will allow couples to go ziplining at the same time, as well as the only ‘superman’ zip line harnesses in East Africa which allow one to zipline in an horizontal position, or facing down. Before taking part in such an activity, there are always safety concerns from participants.

However, Okia reassures that they have instructors who are very .