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You could almost hear an audible sigh of relief coming from the United States, and echoing around the world, with the news that Joe Biden will not run (“ US President Joe Biden pulls out of the race for the White House ”, 22/7). It appears certain that Kamala Harris will be nominated by the Democrats to run in his stead. But her capacity to beat Donald Trump to the White House is far less certain.

Harris has her faults and, if elected, may not be the most shining light for US democracy. But the alternative would be, if not an extinguished democracy, then one that is considerably diminished. Edward Combes, Wheelers Hill Hope returns I have had an increasing sense of foreboding as the US election approaches.

Now with the welcome news that Biden is stepping down, I feel a small glimmer of hope that we may be spared another disastrous Trump presidency. Elaine Carbines, Belmont The case for Kamala The Republican nominee vying to become the next president of the US, Donald Trump, can no longer talk about the cognitive decline of his opponent. The battle for the White House is now simple – choose between either convicted felon Trump, or the Vice President Kamala Harris, the Prosecutor.

Jessie Mackenzie, Brunswick God save America American poli.