In a world riven by differences, we often forget the underlying unity of everything. Yet that is what the Sufi mystics have emphasized upon. When the mystics celebrate love, they celebrate Ishq e Haqeeqi, the Divine Love which is the nature of soul.

The mystics know that since eternity, the soul possesses within itself the ability to flower and blossom into Ishq e Haqeeqi. Complete and total love for the Divine shall blossom and illuminate the individual if the individual nourishes and nurtures it with complete love and surrender towards the Almighty. Sufi mystics have always known that Ishq e Haqeeqi is achievable through Ishq e Majazi (metaphorical love).

Ishq e Majazi is characterized by submission and loyalty towards the perfect spiritual guide. The mystics celebrate love for God, and the yearning for oneness with God. They celebrate the transformative power of love to elevate human life.

Many dilemmas and stresses of the modern world arise because of our conditioned thinking that we exist in an isolated human bubble. We experience the world at a very individual level, forgetting our inseparable connection to the miraculous, wondrous universe that holds us. It is this isolated human bubble that leads us to feelings of loneliness and emptiness despite the daily dance of existence around us.

For the Sufis, the world is a spiritual concert. Only those who have experienced love for the Divine can revel in the mystical sway of love. In the Sufi vision, oneness with God is our .