Editor's Note: Despite challenges such as a National Assembly dominated by opposition parties and historically low approval ratings, the Yoon Suk-yeol administration has been recognized for its achievements on the diplomatic stage. Even amid difficult domestic political conditions, the Yoon administration has been expanding its international presence by addressing various diplomatic challenges, including strengthening the South Korea-U.S.

alliance, improving Korea-Japan relations, and promoting global economic cooperation. This series will review the diplomatic achievements of the Yoon administration, their background, and future tasks. The core of the Washington joint statement is to strengthen cooperation between NATO and the Indo-Pacific region.

Specific discussions on 'security issues' in the region. In the bilateral meetings held on the occasion of the NATO summit, the South Korea-U.S.

relationship was upgraded to an alliance based on 'nuclear capabilities'. It includes not only deterring North Korea's nuclear threats, but also 'responding' to them. It was also confirmed that Germany has applied to join the UN Command.

[Cheonji Daily = Reporter Kim Sungwan] NATO has traditionally been a political and military alliance representing the Western bloc. Despite its name, it had little geopolitical relevance to us, but there are assessments that it has become much closer since the inauguration of the Yoon Seok-yeol government. Unlike before, President Yoon has been attending t.