For the seventh straight year, I’ve decided to be your personal travel agent. While these rankings are based on my experiences of traveling around the NHL ’s cities for the past 15 years, I’m attempting to put myself in the shoes of fans who haven’t been to any of these cities. I consider in-game experience, getting there, finances, extracurricular fun and much more.

Advertisement This season might not be the most exciting for the Penguins . So, perhaps you need to spice it up and hit the road. Make sure to read the first part of this guide: Away we go.

The ‘Day Trip’ Division Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I will never besmirch the good people of Buffalo. Those poor people have been through so much. If you’re bored and are looking for a day trip — or a fun voyage to Niagara Falls, which is 30 minutes away and super cheap in the winter — go for it.

You’ll have fun. Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I always recommend this trip, especially if you don’t have much experience in traveling to see the Penguins play. It’s a beautiful building, the arena district is legendary for its proper design and subsequent prosperity, and it’s just so, so convenient.

Go for it. The ‘Enigma’ Division Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I struggle so much with where to rank Seattle. Many will be horrified that I have it ranked so low.

But I’ve got to be honest: In my two trips there, I haven’t been blown a.