Another day, another group exposed as scamming a nation of guilt-ridden individuals and corporations. The tentacles of leftism used the tragic death of George Floyd to siphon money from the individually wealthy, corporate public relations departments and emotionally vulnerable in pursuit of social justice. Brandon Anderson, the founder of Raheem AI, was one of these alleged grifters, making promises that he seemingly never intended to keep.

Armed with a humanizing story of a friend named Raheem, who was supposedly killed by the Oklahoma City Police in 2007, and the fantastical idea of replacing cops with an app, his organization amassed $4.4 million of donations. Raheem AI’s concept of creating a “Yelp for police” enticed technology-focused charities and huge liberal nonprofits like the Kresge and Annenberg foundations to donate $1.

6 million. But this windfall of cash enriched a man instead of a project, using that money to pay himself a salary of $160,000, utilizing $46,000 of charity dollars in ride-share services, $80,000 in luxury vacation rentals amongst many more questionable line-item purchases. Even the foundation of this whimsical organization was built on a lie, as the Oklahoma state medical examiner confirmed they have no record of any police-involved shooting matching Anderson’s fable.

It doesn’t shock me that outfits like Raheem AI were a scheme to grift donations from big philanthropy, I’m only surprised that there aren’t more that have been uncove.