The Bootstrapped startup, YesMadam has onboarded leading Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor as its brand ambassador, featuring her in the latest campaign ‘Har Expert Salon Expert Nahi Hota’. This partnership aims to redefine the at-home beauty and spa service experience while leaving a mark as the industry's revolutionary Beauty and Salon Experts. YesMadam signs Shraddha Kapoor as brand ambassador after Shark Tank funding As Shraddha Kapoor has become the face of its latest campaign, “Har Expert, Salon Expert Nhi Hota”, the brand showcases its commitment to delivering exceptional and super professional at-home beauty and spa experiences with 100% hygienic services, genuine and top-quality products, transparent and affordable prices, the option to use your own products and expert services.

Commenting on the association, Mayank Arya, the Co-founder and CEO of YesMadam, said, “Partnering with Shraddha Kapoor is a game-changer for YesMadam. Her aura and the perfect blend of elegance and approachability perfectly and seamlessly align with our brand values. Through our ‘Har Expert, Salon Expert Nahi Hota’ campaign, we aim to showcase how YesMadam brings truly professional and reliable salon services to every home.

This collaboration will significantly boost our mission to revolutionize the at-home beauty experience across India.” Akanksha Vishnoi, Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, added, “Collaborating with Shraddha Kapoor is a strategic move for YesMadam. Her i.