The yellow weather warning will be in effect from 9am on Monday, July 29 through to Wednesday, July 31 at 11pm. This warning, issued by the UKHSA, will impact the south west of the UK. According to the Met Office, the weather from Monday, July 29 through to Wednesday, July 31 is set to be hot and dry.

On Monday, it will be sunny almost all day with only a few clouds between 10am and 4pm. The temperature is forecasted to reach a high of 28 degrees and a low of 18 degrees. Tuesday is set to be similar, with a few clouds between 1pm and 7pm.

On this day, temperatures are set to reach highs of 29 degrees and only go as low as 19 degrees. The Met Office predicts that weather on Wednesday will be extremely similar, with highs of 27 degrees in the afternoon and lows of only 19 degrees. There is currently some cloud predicted for most of the day on Wednesday.

As a result of temperatures being so high, the UKHSA has warned that there will likely be minor impacts across the health care and social sector. These include more of the vulnerable population using healthcare services, an increase in the risk of death amongst the vulnerable population and an increased potential for places indoors to get very warm. According to the UKHSA, hot weather can cause some people to become unwell through overheating (becoming uncomfortably hot), dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Anyone can become unwell when the weather is hot. The UKHSA has said that people who are at higher risk of becomin.