Inverse Score: 8/10 How many times have you saved the world lately? Play enough video games and it could be so frequent it’s hardly worth noticing. Everyone wants to be a hero, and games give you that ability, setting up problems to solve as inevitably as dominoes falling one after the other, whether that’s fending off an alien invasion or sealing away an ancient evil . But there are still stories to be told that complicate our vision of heroism and ask point-blank whether the world even needs heroes at all.

Creatures of Ava begins as yet another world-saving tale, casting you as a researcher sent to rescue alien wildlife from a spreading infection who finds there may be a way to protect the entire planet instead. But it ends up being far from a typical savior story, instead raising tough questions about whether parachuting into a place you don’t understand to save it is possible — or even admirable. We Come In Peace Creatures of Ava stars a scientist who learns to understand the planet she’s been sent to save.

Developed by Inverge Studios and Chibig, Creatures of Ava was first pitched as a sort of anti Pokémon , a game about nurturing and taming wild animals rather than capturing them. It stars Vic, a scientist sent to the world of Ava, where an unstoppable rot called the Withering is consuming all the planet’s life. Your job is to collect healthy specimens of as many of the world’s animals as possible and ship them back to your BioArk, a futuristic nature pr.